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Acme Hospitality raised over $15,000 during the holiday season for Amplify Arts Project (formerly Girls Rock SB) as part of Miracle at the Funk Zone's reservation fee. To celebrate this achievement, we are putting on a live concert!

Join us on Wednesday, April 12th from 6pm - 8pm at the Santa Barbara Wine Collective in the Funk Zone for a night of great music and fun The concert will feature three talented performers from Amplify Arts Project (formerly Girls Rock SB), whose mission is to empower girls through music education, the creative arts, community and positive mentorship. Their vision is to provide a brave, diverse, and inclusive space to youth in an equitable world that celebrates creativity, embraces authenticity and values all voices.

Jazara, Ada, and Sofia will provide an eclectic mix of music that is sure to delight all attendees. We hope you'll join us to celebrate this great cause!

This event is FREE to attend and suitable for all ages.!

General Terms

All items are non-refundable, all sales are final.